Today’s Song Of Inspiration
Thursday: Thankfulness, Awareness, and Action
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Scripture: “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”
1 John 3:18 ESV
Today, I seek to pursue and become better informed and use that knowledge to take action every day to make peace with justice a reality in places where I have power and influence; in Jesus’ name, there is no time for complacency. The movement continues. Love is more than words. It is a commitment to action, an intentional movement towards justice, peace, and righteousness. Awareness without action is fruitless; knowledge without purpose is wasted potential. Today, we are reminded that faith calls us to do more than just belief calls us to do. What spaces do you occupy where your voice, presence, and actions can make a difference? Where is God calling you to bring healing, peace, and justice? The time is now. We cannot afford complacency. The movement continues. Today’s song of Inspiration: “What’s Going On” – Marvin Gaye. As Marvin Gaye asked decades .ago, we must still ask today: What’s going on? And more importantly, what will we do about it?
Action Steps for Today:
✅ Reflect on areas where God has given you influence.
✅ Take one intentional step toward justice, reconciliation, or healing.
✅ Speak up, stand up, and show up in love—not just in word, but in truth and action.
The journey continues…
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Monica J